Our Compassionate Christ
Jan 15, 2023
In our world we hear of so much suffering that it can be overwhelming if we take it to heart, and it can create apathy in us because it is so common. So how do we respond properly to suffering? In this message we learn about Christ’s compassion and he teaches us...Love In Christ Alone
Dec 13, 2020
One of the most well known characteristics of God is his love and one of the most valued qualities in any person is love. What does love mean for our relationship to God and to each other? In this message we look at how the command to put on certain qualities is...The Command to Copy Christ
Apr 19, 2019
Jesus Christ demonstrated in his life on earth and in the sacrifice he made on the cross the kind of attitudes and actions that every believer is to follow. As we look to the book of Colossians, we find that the believers ability to copy Christ in this way is founded...News & Events