Together: Appealing to the Church to Gather

Together: Appealing to the Church to Gather

We are in an unprecedented time that has revealed a crisis in the church of Christ. In this series of messages, we take a closer look at what should be the heart and matter of every believer. It is a call to the church to come together, and to gather as God has...

Living in the Midst of Meaninglessness: Relationships

Our relationships with our family, friends, co-workers and church can be highly rewarding while often complicated and frustrating.  In the context of the book of Ecclesiastes our relationships can even be meaningless when we regard them in unhealthy ways.  In this...

Leadership for Every Believer

Sometimes Christians can think that they don’t have a place in the church if they have trouble thinking of themselves as a leader. Sometimes we leave the impression that being a follower is wrong. In this message we look at what the Bible says about being a leader and...

Calling All Disciples (Part 2)

God calls all believers in Jesus Christ to be part of building His Kingdom.  This ministry is a balance between sharing the Gospel and helping other believers to grow in their faith.  This calling from God comes with its challenges, but as the Bible points out, every...

Calling All Disciples (Part 1)

As Jesus began His earthly ministry, He chose twelve men to accompany Him. Besides Judas Iscariot, each of them went on to serve Christ faithfully, giving their lives completely in order to spread the Gospel and build the Church.  But they did not begin this way.  In...