Join Us, In The Gospel!

Consider what it means to partner together in the gospel. Paul describes a partnership that is far deeper than the kind we experience in the world – one that moves us towards Christ together, causes us to care for one another with the heart of Christ, and unites...

The Burial of Christ

Even as Jesus lay in the grave, He was honoured as the highest King. Does our faith today follow the example of Joseph of Arimathea? Are we honouring Christ in fearful secrecy or in open boldness?

The Death of Christ

Jesus is put to death. He said “It is finished.” Many at the time thought it might be the end of his ministry. Join us to find out exactly what the “it” is from his “it is finished” statement, and what “finished” really...

The Rejection of Christ

Jesus is rejected by the Jewish leaders, and is sent to his death. What does it mean to me if I reject him today?

Daniel Chapter 11: Purified to Stand Firm

Whose words and plans do we trust in? Daniel 11, a dense chapter of prophecy detailing kingdoms raging, suffering and an enemy, leads us not to trust in our own words or plans, but trust in our sovereign God whose purposes shall stand forever. The true King is where...