Worship in Spirit and Truth

The second part of the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman transitions from the topic of living water to an ongoing debate Jews and Samaritans regarding worship. As we observe the conversation between Jesus and this woman, we gather a number incites for our...

Living Water

In the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, Christ offers her living waters. In this message we explore what Christ offers this woman and its significance for us.

Daniel Chapter 3: Deliverance Through the Trial

How do we stay faithful to God in the midst of suffering, trial and temptation? Our hope it not in our great effort to hold onto God faithfully in the midst of the fire, but that God is with us, that Christ is present to save and secure His people. Daniel 3 shows us...

Jesus is Still Greater

To the common on-looker, Jesus appeared like any other person, but appearances were only skin deep. Jesus was greater and in this message we see how that is so and how that should impact the lives of every Christian.

The Evidence of Christ’s Abiding Love within the Believer

Humanity demands evidence, but what evidence I am? What am I confirming by the way I love? Where am I getting my definition of love from? 1 John 3:16-18 exhorts the believer to love in the definition of God’s love, He who is love. God defined love by Christ laying...