Fake News
Jan 12, 2020
How do we distinguish between fact and fiction? In this message we explore that issue in light of misinformation that had been believed by those in the church of Thessalonica and was inciting disturbing concerns. We discover that it is through the Bible that we can...The Church at Philadelphia
Aug 25, 2019
The majority of churches are not large. And the Christians who are part of them are not prominent in this world. So how do we carry out Christ’s calling to be salt and light in this world, when it seems we do not have much influence? The Church in Philadelphia...The Command to Copy Christ
Apr 19, 2019
Jesus Christ demonstrated in his life on earth and in the sacrifice he made on the cross the kind of attitudes and actions that every believer is to follow. As we look to the book of Colossians, we find that the believers ability to copy Christ in this way is founded...Habits of Growing Christians
Dec 30, 2018
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