
Preaching from the Word of God is one of the primary ways that God uses to build the church. Each Sunday, mainly through expository preaching we endeavor to glorify God through encouraging the church to a deeper relationship with Christ as we proclaim the Scriptures. Our sermons are available if you missed a Sunday, want to review a sermon you have already heard, or if you are interested in knowing what you would hear if you attended a service with us.
Bible Reading Guides
God has communicated with his people through providing the Bible. This is words for believers to know God, to understand their salvation, and to grow in a deeper relationships with Christ. We encourage you to read the Bible regularly and a great way to do so is to use a Bible reading guide. We have listed several that should help you to practice this important spiritual discipline.
External Learning Links
While we work diligently to provide numerous opportunities to learn from the Bible and what it means to live our faith day in and day out, we know that there may be more you need or desire. We have provided links to a variety of resources that have been evaluated so that you can be confident that you are receiving teaching that glorifies God, builds your faith and unifies the church.