Two Worthy Examples

Learn about two men named Timothy and Epaphroditus who lived lives worthy of the gospel of Christ. Their lives are marked by a readiness for the work of the gospel and a willingness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of God’s people. How can we imitate their...

Rejoicing In An Advancing Gospel

Discover Paul’s passion for the advancement of the gospel and his willingness to suffer for Christ’s sake. Do you see your suffering through the lens of an advancing gospel? Can you rejoice in the proclamation of God’s Word, even if it is preached...

Praise is waiting. Will you join?

In this psalm of praise, David observes that in the future, all the earth will praise God (vv.1-2); that even now, God’s people have hope for deliverance and acceptance (vv.2-4); that there is hope of deliverance not only for Israel but for all nations (vv.5-8);...