Sentenced to Death

As we continue our series in John, we find Jesus being sentenced to death. In this message, he is tried by three groups of people in which we learn lessons for our lives.

The Stark Contrast

While Jesus faced His pre-trial before the authorities, Peter faced his own before a servant girl. How did each of them stand? Listen and find out.

Jesus’ Arrest

Jesus’ arrest was not like any other we may see on television these days. Listen and learn how Jesus walked willingly, acted authoritatively, and operated obediently in that circumstance.

Christ’s Unity Prayer

In the conclusion of His High Priestly prayer, Jesus prays for unity and for the perfection of His disciples. Listen and find out more!

Christ’s Sabbatical Preparation

As Jesus continues His High Priestly prayer, he now recounts his responsibilities, petitions for his disciples’ protection, and supplicates for their sanctification. Listen and find out more!