
We believe that Jesus Christ has called us to bring the good news of the Gospel to the nations. As such, we ensure that a significant portion of our resources is dedicated to missions around the world. Besides encouraging and supporting those who work for short periods of time at summer camp, and mission trips, we are building strategic partnerships.

The partnerships taking place in Kenya, Cuba and Locally are designed to build close relationships with those we are reaching while providing an opportunity to those at Waverley to engage in leadership, to serve and minister on the front lines of these partnerships and to give opportunity for everyone to contribute to the ongoing work through their financial contributions and prayers.

See the Missions below to view updated news items for a particular mission.



See the Missions below to see the upcoming events for a particular mission.

Want to Volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to get connected at Waverley and there are always meaningful opportunities waiting for someone just like you. There are many places where individuals, such as yourself, often find opportunities to serve. These range from one-time events to on-going commitments, from behind-the-scenes tasks to front-and-center positions, from working with preschoolers to working with senior adults! With this variety, you are sure to find an area that best fits your interests, gifts, and availability.

Get Involved

Local Ministries


Cuba Team


Kenya Team


For more information