Sermon Series: Summer in the Psalms 2017

The psalms provide a wonderful opportunity to learn about our God, learn about ourselves and enter into the unique experience of worship. In this summer series, we will be looking at several psalms that will challenge and enrich our lives.
Sep 3, 2017
Pastor Tony Penner September 3, 2017 There is a calling on the life of every believer that far outweighs anything that this world has to offer. In psalm 29, we are provided with a purpose that not only prepares us for the day that we will meet Christ but is...
Aug 27, 2017
In psalm 60, we a man deeply distressed by his circumstances, yet simultaneously expressing a confidence in his Creator. How can we prepare our hearts to respond with similar confidence to the storms of life? Psalm 60 has help for us all. Key verse(s): Psalm 60...
Aug 20, 2017
The human body is in constant need of rejuvenation. We eat and sleep to restore energy. So, it is true for every believer spiritually. We need to be revived on a constant basis and Psalm 119 tells us what is needed for this to happen. So if we are feeling spiritually...
Aug 13, 2017
Is there anyone who does not desire to be happy? Everyone, in one way or another wants to be satisfied, content and full of joy. There is a way to achieve happiness that is fleeting and empty and there is a way to find it that is lasting and fulfilling. In Psalm 1, we...
Aug 6, 2017
The psalms paint a beautiful picture of the many benefits that come to Christians from God. In psalm 103 the writer reminds us that we are not to forget all the different ways God has blessed his Children. This psalm is an encouragement to be thankful everyday.
Jul 30, 2017
We can feel that we are beyond hope or redemption when we have sinned, but if we understand God correctly we find that this is not the case. David was a man who did things for which it seemed there would be no redemption, but as psalm 51 testifies, even the atrocities...
Jul 23, 2017
We all know that the Lord’s discipline can be very unpleasant. However, the Word of God offers us a perspective that will enable us to rejoice in life’s hardships. In Psalm 50, there is help for those of us who want to humbly receive the discipline of the Lord, and a...
Jul 9, 2017
The Bible describes the people of God as sheep. No other place is this as well known as Psalm 23. While sheep are characterized as helpless, this should not be understood negatively because when we are God’s flock we will experience a level of joy that only can...