Frequently Asked Questions

When Are Services?
Services are held every week on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Sunday school for all ages is at 9:15.
What Are The Services Like?
When we come together each week on Sunday as a family of believers, we do so with the explicit intention to worship God and celebrate our new life that has been provided through Jesus Christ. Our Sunday services provide the opportunity to sing songs of praise that are selected for a variety of ages. We emphasize the priority of prayer as we join together to pray for different concerns and to show our thankfulness to God. We open the Bible to hear the Word of God explained through expository preaching that is intended to comfort the hurting, reveal our need, and challenge us to glorify God in every aspect of our lives.
What Should I Wear?
How Do I Get To Waverley?
Waverley Church is located in the South West area of Winnipeg. It’s located at the corner of Waverley Street and Bison Drive, which is South of Bishop Grandin Blvd and West of Pembina Hwy at 2171 Waverley St.
Where Should I Park?
Waverley Church space in its parking lot, which is located at the front and around the side of the building. We do have Guest parking available at the front of the building (off to the right of the main entrance). You may also park in any available spot; with the exception of Handicap stalls located close to the entrance. If the parking lot is full, there is parking available on Cadboro Road next to our lot.
Where Do My Children Go?
Our Waverley Kids ministry is the perfect place for your children, infant through age 4 to go while you attend service. Ages 4 and under are dismissed near the beginning of the service for during-service care. If you would like your children to go to Waverley Kids, take your children to the appropriate room in the Kids area, or visit the Welcome Centre in the lobby for direction and instructions before the service. When you bring your children to the class, your children will be checked in, and you will receive an ID number which you will need in order to pick up your child. There is a digital signboard in the auditorium that will display the two-digit ID number for a child if they need a parent to come take care of the child. For more information about our Waverley Kids program, please click here. To view a map of our facility, click here.
NOTE: Parents of all children, please remember to go immediately following service to pick up your children. We will not release any child under any circumstance without a guardian to pick them up.
Do You Offer Adult Sunday School?
Yes! We offer Sunday School each week for ages 5-105+ at 9:15am.
Am I Expected To Put Money In The Offering?
If you are visiting with us, we don’t expect you to put money in the offering. If Waverley is your church home, you can give in one of four ways: by putting your offering in the offering box located in the foyer by the Welcome Centre, by setting up a pre-authorized debit for automated withdrawals, by using the debit machine at the Welcome Centre, or by sending an e-transfer to Please see the Welcome Centre for more information or to sign up.