Baptism Classes

This six week class provides valuable information designed to prepare the baptismal candidate for baptism.  The course covers different topics regarding the salvation of the believer, assurance of salvation, and the biblical basis for baptism.  This course will be offered each winter, or as requested by those wanting baptism.

Baptismal classes are required for baptism.

Homeschool Co-op

Waverley Church 2171 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB

When I Can’t See Fundraising Concert

Waverley Church 2171 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, MB

Join us on March 21 at 7pm at Waverley Church (2171 Waverley St) for a fundraising concert in support of Waverley Church’s original album based on the book of Habakkuk! The concert […]

For more information or to register