Community Groups

Here at Waverley, we believe that spiritual transformation takes place best in the context of an authentic, caring community. We believe that God has designed us all to thrive when we have the opportunity to “do life” together with others. He never intended that we go it alone. Our Community Groups exist to help you become a closely knit part of the Waverley family through a group that strives to reflect what we read in Acts 2:42-46.

We would encourage you to be part of a Community Group, becoming close friends with others, learning together from the Bible, caring for one another, and developing a heart for those in need within and outside the church. To be part of a Community Group, get started by clicking the link below.

Want to Volunteer?

Volunteering is a great way to get connected at Waverley and there are always meaningful opportunities waiting for someone just like you. There are many places where individuals, such as yourself, often find opportunities to serve. These range from one-time events to on-going commitments, from behind-the-scenes tasks to front-and-center positions, from working with preschoolers to working with senior adults! With this variety, you are sure to find an area that best fits your interests, gifts, and availability.

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For more information