Kids Spot Play Centre is a drop-in indoor play place for preschool children ages 0-5. It is a program of Waverley Church and is staffed entirely by volunteer workers. Kids Spot is not a child-care centre. The staff volunteers are not responsible for providing any child supervision. Children are to be under the care and supervision of their parents and/or guardians at all times.
We desire to be a support for parents by providing a safe and comfortable environment for children to play and socialize with others. We hope that Kids Spot can be a place for parents to connect and network with one another while at the same time supervising and interacting with their children.
We provide free coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. A designated area is provided for children to have their snacks and drinks. Note: We do our best to be a nut free facility.
Kids Spot is open Fridays from 9:00-11:30am
A nominal fee of $2.00 per child or to a maximum of $5.00 per family.