The Value of Wisdom
Jul 1, 2018
The prevalence of social media and the internet indicates that Information is a valuable currency. While knowledge is important, understanding of how to use it, is more so. There is value in wisdom that comes only from the careful study of God’s Word. In the...The Final Credits
Jun 17, 2018
Like the closing credits of a movie, the end of a biblical letter is often not given much consideration. But as Paul concludes his letter to the Ephesian Church with closing remarks and a benediction, there is still much for us to learn about the new life we share in...Dealing with the Devil’s Devices
Jun 3, 2018
To be a Christian is to be engaged in a war with the spiritual forces of Satan. But how are we to claim the victory and triumph over our enemy that is promised and attained by Christ? God has provided the armour that gives us all we need to defend ourselves against...Working Expectations
May 13, 2018
The Word of God does not neglect some of the very fundamental issues of daily living. In this message we look at work and what the Bible has to say about being under the authority of another person or being an authority over another person.